The Company is in the business of mineral exploration. The Company is focused on its exploration properties in the state of Idaho known as the: Cuddy Mountain; Selway; and Great Western properties, respectively. The Idaho properties consist of 82 (Cuddy Mountain), 57 (Selway) and 38 (Great Western) lode mining claims respectively and cover a cumulative area of approximately 3822.1 acres. The Company’s flagship Cuddy Mountain Property is adjacent to Hercules Silvers’ Leviathan Copper Porphyry discovery.
Court Approval Received and Record Date Determined for the Chlore Property Spinoff Pursuant to Arrangement
Upon completion of the Arrangement, Zeus shareholders will ultimately own shares in two public companies: Zeus, which will be focused on its properties in the State of Idaho known as the Cuddy Mountain, Selway and Great Western properties and Kelso, which will focus on the Chlore Property.